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Daily Observer
The Liberian Observer Corporation is an independent, newspaper that seeks to keep the Liberian people informed,
the government accountable, and to be the watchdog for the repitition of historical mistakes.
Dan Tribe Masks
The Dan group is a tribe of the Dan-Nguere. They live in west Liberia, Guinea Conakry and west Ivory Coast. The social and spiritual base of the Dan-Nguere is the secret society Poro, that means "sierra". There are a lot of different Dan-Nguere masks, and sometimes one kind of mask is used in different places for several finalities
Dan Tribe
The Dan Tribe and sub Tribe Guere, Yacouba live in Western Ivory coast and Liberia. They are people from the rainforest.
The term diaspora (Ancient Greek d?asp???, "a scattering or sowing of seeds") is used (without capitalization)
to refer to any people or ethnic population forced or induced to leave their traditional ethnic homelands;
being dispersed throughout other parts of the world, and the ensuing developments in their dispersal and culture.
Running candidate for the 2005 Presidential Elections, mr. Divine said - "Given the small size of our country, the
low level of population and inter marriages among all ethnic groups there should be no reason for disunity.
We need UNITY in Liberia more than anything else. In order to achieve the unity to carry our peace process
to its true purpose of EUALITY, Liberians must learn to love and appreciate the unique differences and
commonalities of each group".
Samuel Kanyon Doe
(May 6, 1950 - September 9, 1990)
"In 1980, Samuel Doe, a 28-year-old indigenous Krahn, Master Sergeant (Staff Sergeant) in the Liberian army, seized power and killed William Tolbert, the last Americo-Liberian president. Doe was a dictator of Liberia from 1980 to late 1989. When Doe took over, he knew nothing about how to run a government. He was illiterate, and he had little education. He learned quickly how to make himself rich and how to shore up political support. He demolished the True Whig party that had controlled Liberia's politics for more than a hundred years, but he did not replace it with any other coherent form of government. He was good at developing allies. He learned English, Liberia's official language, by studying videotapes of Ronald Reagan who invited him to the White House and called him "Chairman Moe". During the culmination of the cold war in the 1980s, Doe courted the Reagan-era American Republicans and received millions of dollars of American aid. The American aid established Voice of America transmitters and maintained the Robertsfield airport which the U.S. used to transport weapons to Angola.".
There was popular support for Doe and his People's Redemption Council (PRC) from the majority population of native Liberians since this was the first time a native led the country since independence in 1847. But Doe's popularity disappeared rapidly as his rule began to resemble that of his predecessors. Like them, Doe created a governmental system that benefited one ethnic group, in this case the Krahns, who made up only 4 per cent of the population. The ethnic groups in Liberia are Bassa, Belle, Dei, Gbandi, Gio, Gola, Grebo, Kpelle, Kissi, Krahns, Kru, Loma, Mandingos, Mano Mende, Sapo, and Vai. Doe was captured in Monrovia by Prince Johnson on September 9, 1990 and was killed shortly thereafter.
Samuel S Dokie
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Politician: former deputy speaker of the dissolved transitional legislative assembly and former minister of Internal
Affairs. Samuel Dokie had been a close associate of Charles Taylor within the NPFL until 1994, when he broke away
to form the Unity Party with Mrs Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. On Friday 28 November, 1997 it was reported that Samuel Dokie,
his wife Janet, and three others were picked by security men in Gbarnga while on their way to a wedding in Sanniquelle
in Nimba County. They were found murdered, decapitated, their eyes gouged out and burnt to a cinder along with the
vehicle they were travelling in, on Kokoya road near Gbarnga, Bong County.
Alan Doss
Mr. Alan Doss is the United Nations Special Representative for Liberia (2006-2010).
Doss, of the United Kingdom, was named by the United Nations Secretary-General,
Kofi Annan, as Special Representative of the Secretary-General after he served as Principal Deputy Special
Representative of the Secretary-General for Côte d’Ivoire since June 2004. Prior to that appointment,
Mr. Doss served as the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sierra Leone, while
concurrently serving as United Nations Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator and United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative.
Don Bosco
One of the most consoling and encouraging aspects of our work in Liberia is to see the very significant numbers of God lay helpers who work alongside our Salesians. The two gatherings to celebrate the feast of Don Bosco included so many who are sharing in our spirit and mission.
Charles Benedict Dunbar
Chief Executive Committee: October 28, 1871 - November 4, 1871
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
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